BV in Canada .... blah!

Do you think BV @HR will do reparation?

I bought a coin purse from HK last Nov. The tear-shaped leather attached to the zipper went off just after 1 month. I used only 3-4 times. I'm wondering if they can fix that for me.

PS. Does the Montreal HR has BV store? Or just Toronto Bloor?
I doubt Holts does repairs, but no harm in calling them to check.

I believe that I did see them in Montreal when I was there...I think they have a tiny collection just like Toronto. And Vancouver should have one too.
^^ Thanks. I think I will just bring my purse + recepit with me when I get to visit Montreal later in June. Hope they can do something with it. :s
Bookermoose,did you see that NM has announced on it's website that they now ship to Canada?

Really?! That is new!! Thanks for letting me know.

This is all very timely, since my experiment with mail forwarding services is drawing to a wholly unsatisfactory close as of today. As I mentioned a while back, I had decided to try out one of these services with the hope that it would be a way to be able to get things shipped to Canada from retailers that would not otherwise ship here. So I subscribe to one that offers a "free" trial (although I still have to pay the $25 up front fee...).

Attempt #1 - I purchase some lovely linens (unavailable in Canada - but most anything interesting is usually unavailable in Canada...) from SmartBargains, pay with my Visa, and think everything is OK until a few hours later when I get an email saying my order has been cancelled. It turns out that they only accept payment with US billing addresses, so just having a US shipping address really means nothing.

I then search in vain for another site, any site, that will not ship to Canada but will accept payment from credit cards without a US billing address. I find nothing... basically anything that will accept payment without a US billing address will also ship outside the US.

Attempt #2 - I see a small bianco wallet on BlueFly, which I have been looking for for a while anyway, and decide that I will just use up my one "free" trial with the mail forwarding service and have BlueFly ship through them rather than directly to Canada. Surely it will cost less (I think, naively), as the BlueFly US shipping is $7.95 and the Canadian shipping is $45... So cut to today, when I get the notification of the shipping cost from the mail forwarder to me - just a titch under $50, which is even worse when added to the $25 for the "free trial" and the $7.95 BlueFly shipping I already paid. Ugh!

So I am now officially giving up with the mail forwarding services!
LLANeedle, doesn't NM only take payment with its own credit card, though? I had one that I opened at the outlet mall in Florida last year - and it was nightmarish. Long story short, they kept mailing my bill to me in Toronto, British Columbia ..... which of course, never made it here. I made at least five or six phone calls as soon as I realized the bill hadn't come (one a month thereafter), wherein someone either left off the street number, got the city wrong, or omitted the postal code (like the zip code). Finally, the next time I was in Florida, I paid the bill in person and cancelled the card - and asked that they NOT charge me late fees since it was their fault, and also send a letter to any appropriate credit bureaus stating such. It was a huge hassle.

If they take other credit cards, I would consider it..... but not if you have to open a NM charge.
Hi all, Holts is have their 25% off starting Friday for their AMEX card holders. Does anybody know if this will apply to BV? They've listed a whole slew of things that don't apply, and I'm wondering if this is included.

Well, then again, I don't think there's anything that I even want. I think they don't even have small leather goods anymore.
really? 25% off at Holts!! I gotta check that out. Have been thinking to buy a large camel veneta.

BookerMoose, I totally understand your frustration. Same here but it's lucky that we have some good friends working in Seattle so we ask them for their address and even credit card info too.
According to the NM website, they accept all of the following:
  • The Neiman Marcus credit card
  • American Express
  • VISA
  • MasterCard
  • Discover
Sounds promising!!

If you don't have one, get a NM CC. There are points you can earn for purchases. It is their InCircle plan.