Are the SA's meant to give you a box when you buy a bag


Oct 8, 2006
Because when I got my first LV piece a speedy at Caesars last xmas and I got a bag but no box but since then I have bought accessories from the Beverly Center store and always got a little box.

Come to think of it they weren't really that intrested in selling much to me that day. Myabe I didn't spend enough:hrmm:
My regular SA knows that I always want my things boxed up (for the 3-4 hour drive home :cursing: ) but if someone else rings me up they ask if I'd like a box, otherwise I request one. Most bags, especially larger ones, don't automatically come with a box.
they don't always ask. my first speedy, i never got asked and i never knew to ask! but for my mirage speedy, they asked and i requested the large fold down one, and also a large drawstring dust bag :biggrin: hehe
If you want a box, it's best to request for one. Sometimes they'll give you one automatically and sometimes they'll ask if you want one. It really depends on the SA.
Nope, you usually need to ask for the box.

What's weird was that I was there the other day and made a return for credit. They placed my giftcard / credit receipt in a box for me and I didn't need to ask for one! I would have been happy with an envelope, but now I have a pretty brown box to use ;)
you should ask to have a box

however depend the situation where very very busy, SA seem forgot that due trying to quicker way to give out which enable to serve next customer that waiting for being serve :yes:

yeah I choose quiet time that SA able to give me box and ask for extra smal box too :heart:
I called 866 today, and asked about storage boxes. I bought two purses at the boutiques and did not get a box either time. They told me just to bring the receipts into the local boutique and request boxes, no problem!