Absolutely livid re: destruction of Swift

Oui Vey is right, D. OMG - and I thought my DH was bad. Sheesh, that would be grounds for a divorce... J.K. But seriously...

Don't worry, my dear. The spa will do wonders. No more rubbing and I'll just pray for your poor little bag.

Just think about the "after" photos. You'll be amazed!
Perja, if you can bear to, would you post "after" pics for us? This is a real test of Swift and tho you did NOT want YOUR Swift to be a "tester" it would really be an education at least for me, to see how Hermes restoration/refurbishment handles this for you:yes:
OH NO!!! How awful. Perja, I'm so sorry to see the scratches on the beloved. It was so beautiful.

To the spa with it on Tuesday, please. I hope the scratches will be minimised.
:wtf: OMG! That pic is enough for me to feel like downing a larrrrgge martini - & it's only 9:45 am down here! I can't imagine how you felt when you first looked at her - Poor Perja. :flowers: But what FANTASTIC news that the spa can fix her. Imagine (i know it's hard) that this bag was any other brand and it would be game over. But not with H. She'll come back from the hospital looking like new! :yahoo: