a whole lot of clothes vs. one bag?

I'd take the bag, especially if it is to commemorate a special event. The bag you will still use and love 5 years later. The clothes might well show wear, be outdated or forgotten (depending on what you buy) in that time period. Clothes are fun, but bags are investments.
This is a tough inquiry. If it is a classic bag like LV, Chanel, etc with timeless appeal that you will love and wear forever then def. buy the bag! But if it is a trendy bag or not as good quality such as Dooney or Guess then maybe go for the clothes. It also depends on the clothes and quality/seasons you can wear them. Decisions!
if they cost the same, would you guys rather have a whole load of clothes that you love or one single bag which you love equally?

just daydreaming about how im going to reward myself when i finish my finals....:P all-nighters are good for that kind of dreamin'..

I'd buy used bag, the one you're looking at and clothes :smile: this way you get a little of both.
I would definately go for a great bag!!!

Clothes, including fashion goes away as soon as it comes. Meaning, there is a whole bunch of new style every season... Clothing/ fashion is just tooo hard to keep up with!

I would buy a few pieces of classic and timeless, and go for a GREAT bag you can hold onto 10 years from now. You cant say the same for clothes!!!