*** A NEW year, a NEW resolution, an OLD wardrobe! ***

LaVan, MsPiggy, MissMargaux: thanks very much! this bub has been much awaited for many years. so for those still awaiting their bundle of joy, don't give up.

Maternity wear from high street: I've found Zara maternity to be disappointing so far. H&M maternity has been a surprisingly good place to find tops

Seraphine (i think this can be found in London & France) - they keep using publicity shots of Angelina Jolie wearing their maternity pants. straight legged, with a maternity waistband.

LaVan: I hear your pain about missing out on some spanish tapas. DH and I have just returned from Japan and i had to give up my favourite sashimi and sushi. At the traditional ryokan, they kindly figured out a kaiseki dinner for me withouth any raw food.