artificial nails, good or bad?

I don't care how your nails are, but artificial nails are a big NO. It's tacky, vulgar and trashy....I've never seen elegant women with acrylics and never will.

Well then I guess I'm pround that I'm tacky, vulgar, trashy and un-elegant. :P Let's remember that each person is their own being, we all have different likes and dislikes.
I got acrylics on yesterday. :amuse: I get them on every so often when I get sick of looking at my ugly and short nails which don't grow. When I get acrylics I ask for them to be short so they look more natural. It doesn't feel like I have them on and they don't get in the way. I think, in my case, acrylics are the way to go because I am a huge nail bitter. I probably cause more damage to my nails keeping them natural from chewing on them all the time. Guess I am just tacky, vulgar and trashy but I think acrylics look 49954945 times better on me than just my short and chewed up natural nails. Plus I have an engagement ring I have to show off and a wedding next month.
^^^^^ My mom was pretty much just like you. She bit her nails and hated the way they looked. She hated the way her nails looked so much that they made her feel embarassed :sad:. But since she got artificial nails she's much happier, she can take care of her nails, and now she feels like her hands look pretty and is not ashamed to show them off. :tup:
I don't care how your nails are, but artificial nails are a big NO. It's tacky, vulgar and trashy....I've never seen elegant women with acrylics and never will.

:confused1: What has "elegant women" have to do with nails???

Bottom line, its an enhancement just like hair color/exstention, make-up and even high you do any of these things???:rolleyes:
I'm not tacky, vulgar or trashy. I'm not referring to the 80's dragon nails (although those weren' tacky, vulgar or trashy either) or Lee press on nails. Like someone posted here, you can get acrylics and have them short - just maybe a 1/4 inch extended above the tip of the finger. They look well manicured and yes, "Elegant".

I've seen woman with chipped nails, nails bitten down to the nail bed, dirt underneath their nails, chipped polish, etc. That to me looks unflattering and not well kept.

Acrylics have come a long way since the 80's 90's. If you go to a reputable salon you can avoid the fumgus, built up glue, etc. that was prevalent during that time. However you also have to maintain them in order to keep them looking good. I wouldn't insult anyone cause I don't agree with them. Heck, I don't like false eyelashes but I wouldn't call someone trashy if they wore them. Having different opnions is one thing - but no need for the insults:tdown:

Different strokes for different folks
Well then I guess I'm pround that I'm tacky, vulgar, trashy and un-elegant. :P Let's remember that each person is their own being, we all have different likes and dislikes.

ita!! i have acrylics and honestly couldn't do without them. i think my fingers look stubby and ugly without them. nails make my hands look elegant. i have been going to the same nail girl for years so i trust her and the salon she works for. i'd be a big nail biter without them and my nails would look horrible if i didn't have them. at least acyrlics make my hands look well-kept, i wouldn't have the patience to keep them looking nice if i didn't have acrylics.
I could never bring myself to try them, but I think the short ones are very pretty, especially if it is a French manicure. When I was younger, nail polish had tons of banana oil in it, and because I was allergic to bananas, when I would put on nail polish, my whole hands would swell up and turn red in about 20 minutes. That doesn't happen any more, but I still think about those episodes when I debate on trying acrylic nails. So, I don't do it. Besides, I rationalize sometimes by saying that I am saving money not to have it done so I can buy more handbags!
Ahh! I got fake nails twice for special events (family member's wedding, prom)... It looks nice when they're on, but your natural nails look HORRIFIC when they're taken off. I am never getting fake nails put on in my entire life ever again.
:wlae:I have been wearing acrylic nails with tips for 30 years. I put them on myself and maintain them myself. So I have little cost and can maintain them anytime I want/need. Nails do not breathe. Neither does your hair. What damages your nails is how you take care of them. I have NEVER had a fungus in the 30 years. Since I maintain them myself . . . I can correct and replace them anytime they need it. When it is time to re-place a nail (or all of them) I file the surface of the acrylic without touching the natural nail. I then soak the nails in acetone polish remover. What is left of the acrylic peels off. My natural nails are not as strong as I wish . . . but they never have been . . . or I wouldn't be wearing acrylic nails. I really do not notice ANY damage to my natural nails. I take care of my cuticles and hydrate my nails. I wear them just a little beyond my fingers, they are thin and they look natural. Thought you should know.
Wow, this is an old thread!

Actually, when acrylics are done with the RIGHT product, and put on and taken off in the CORRECT manner, they are really not all that bad for your natural nails. I have been wearing acrylics with Tammy Taylor brand product for the last 10 years or so, and if I ever lose a nail for whatever reason (which hardly ever happens), my natural nail is perfectly fine underneath.
I love acrylic nails when they are done right, I however cannot afford it in the current climate, but I have to do something to make my hands look better. I agree with the other posters who said that their hands look stubby and unattrative without nails. I use the KISS proffesional opaque tips, and paint them. they are FANTASTIC!!!! I can indulge my passion for nail polish without feeling guilty about covering up a good acrylic manicure, and they last me for two weeks easily. unlike some glue on nails, they dont fall off, and when I take the polish off, they dont splinter like other cheaper glue on nails do. I reccomend them to any of you ladies who like painting your nails, and feeling groomed, but hate the polish chipping, and dont want to pay for acrylics. When they are soaked off properly, they do very little damage. xxx