plastic sugery

I've had plastic surgery for medical and aesthetic reasons... and I think whatever makes you happy and doesn't hurt anyone else is great... if a procedure can drastically change your feelings about yourself and how you carry yourself then I say go for it.
Even though my lipo didn't really stay longterm I'm happy I had it done when I did... because how it made me start feeling more confident in myself... which then transferred a feeling of confidence over all aspects of my life.
Hey, to each their own, I applaud people who don't want plastic surgery and are happy with themselves the way they are... I am just not one of those people.
Swanky mother of 3- thank you for your story! I will probably have to get a breast lift after children and hopefully breast feeding.. and will probably stick with the silicone since I love how they feel (mine are under the muscle-- but it's true if you work out you do see them bulge as you move your pecs). I've had doctors see my BA scars and not believe that I've had implants.. they look and feel so real. (That was a pretty funny checkup/breast exam I can tell you). :roflmfao:
I'm not so much for altering or changing anything on myself, but I am for preserving and restoring, so if anything happens where you want to get something back to where it use to be (eg. tummy, breasts, skin, eyelids, etc.) I think I'm ok with that, not sure if I'll ever go through with it myself but I am VERY open minded about it.....I'm just in "prevention" mode right now LOL!! I think I'm doing ok, everyone at work thinks I'm in my mid 20's hehehe......and I got carded for a drink at a bowling alley (silly work function) of all places by like an 18 year old girl and she said OMG I thought you were so much younger, it's a little more real to me when someone quite young thinks I'm younger than I am..........I'll TAKE IT!
Question for women with breast implant

How does it FEEL to have breast implants? Do you feel them inside of you? Did it bother you the first time you had it done? If so, How long did it take you be comfortable with them?

I always wondered about those questions. After I had my son and twin daughters my boobs went south. I've been interested in getting a lift for a while but I've also been contemplating a breast augmentation. My husband says I should get a lift but I'm not sure. I guess I need to go for a consultation but I don't trust just anybody and I don't know anyone who has plastic surgery. Can anyone recommend a plastic surgeon in NYC?
I was VERY worried about this as I've always had larger natural breasts and something foreign in me seemed REALLY out of the question.
My main concern was how will they feel - to my touch, just walking w/ them, etc. . .

and to be 100% honest, I don't even know they're there. They're SO unbelievably real feeling that they seem just like they did before, just higher! LOL!
I do know silicone feels and appears more natural than saline, so maybe that's why?
I waited until I was done having children & got my implants 2 years ago. I never minded being flat chested but after my pregnancies, I became really lopsided & droopy. Perky little breasts=cute, lopsided droopy little tea bags=NOT CUTE! I have silicone cohesive gel implants AKA "Gummy Bear" implants. I didn't go large & frankly, I haven't had 1 person question whether I got implants. They look so natural & pre-surgery I always wore padded bras so there wasn't much visual difference after surgery. I couldn't have asked for a better experience. I don't even think about them anymore. They are totally a part of me. There is nothing wrong with improving yourself. It's very personal & different for everyone. To the younger gals, Never say never... when your 21, of course your going to scoff at plastic surgery because you don't have to deal with wrinkles, sagging or anything else at that point. Plus, preganancy can do things to a body you never dreamed of! ;) My advice is to do lots of research on the procedure you want done & find a great doctor. Interview several until you find one you "click" with.
I have had a lipo. It is the best thing i ever did for myself. Te first week after was tough though...very tough. Everybody who has an objective problem should go for it, then you'll say how many years did i loose and felt bad about myself when i could just fix the problem in one day and a less than a month to full recovery.

Exactly! I had lipo about 4 months ago and its the best thing I ever did as well.
The first month is tough. It hurt I was so swollen, couldnt walk etc. But the results are amazing! More than making me lose weight, it changed the shape of my legs and thighs, and made my bum look higher!
One down fall is that now if i gain any weight (i get really bloated beforemy period for example) its hits my face and boobs. I had a very petit upper half, now te lower part is more balenced i need to take more care of the top half.
Question for women with breast implant

How does it FEEL to have breast implants? Do you feel them inside of you? Did it bother you the first time you had it done? If so, How long did it take you be comfortable with them?

I have silicone implants and must say I LOVE THEM.... and I do not even remember I have them. My PS told me a story when I went in for a consult about a patient of his that had her breast done w/silicone, and then a couple years later went back to him for lipo. On the form it says to list her surgerys and she failed to mention the breasts... he asked her about it in the consult and she said she totally forgot she had them done! I thought that was a silly story and so NOT going to be me... but you really do forget about them and just think of them as being 'you'.;)

I could never tell there was a foreign object inside me, and the only time I am ever aware of having them is when I flex my pecs one at a time (like guys do to move their pecs) as a joke to my husband when he does it to me.. yeah I'm weird like that. :P But then is the only time because I see them move under the muscle.

I highly recommend, and those were worries I had prior to surgery as well... I'm glad I went for it. Good luck!!
The silicone is cohesive instead of liquid... very thick and mushy...a consistancy like the material gummy bears are made of. (best way I can explain it) :P

Well put! :yes: I wanted to add that these are not generally available to the public. I was part of a case study & you had to meet certain criteria to get the implants. Now recently, the FDA has given the go ahead for Mentor (I think) to market their cohesive gel implants to the public but it's still under strict guidelines. I have Silimed's. There is some info online if you do a search of Cohesive gel/ Gummy bear implants.
i have a mole on my neck that i'm going to have removed. my doc said he could do it, but it would scar, so he's referred me to a PS. i've been waiting for months and months to get an appointment through our public health care system and i'm tired of waiting. going to pay to have it done at the same doc's private clinic. we'll see how this goes, i may have others things done in the future..probably after i have children.