William and Catherine, Prince and Princess of Wales

That is really sad to hear :sad: but hopefully the cancer was caught early and she will make a full, speedy recovery :heart:
I have to say her video brought a tear to my eye, not just because of her diagnosis because I'm sure she has the best medical team, she is a strong, healthy, young person who can get through this, but more for the sh*tshow of media/internet/social media coverage and attention this woman has been subject to since the day her surgery was announced weeks ago.

I teared up thinking how deep in the gutter that society has become that instead of giving Catherine and her family some space and time to recover and reflect on her serious PRIVATE health issue after the initial announcement, people worldwide turned into heartless savages, treating this as some sort of sick and twisted entertainment.

The fact that Catherine most likely knew of the hysterical, disgusting way people were behaving while she is going through this scary time in her life, is very sad to think of. I feel for her. Yet she still comes out poised and elegant as ever with what she said in her video. She's a class act :tup:

To every person out there who contributed and was involved with the disgraceful conspiracies, the lies, the witch-hunt, the bullying, the demands and outlandish claims towards/about Catherine, William and their family- I hope those people feel great shame.
Shame that they didn't have the decency to treat Catherine with kindness and a little respect while she has been going through a medical diagnosis for the last few weeks, which was unknown to the world but very real for her and her family.
God forbid people would wait just a little bit of time to find out the facts and not go from zero to crazy in the blink of an eye, making up wildly slanderous allegations to fill their time. SMH.
As the saying goes, "If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all."

I wish Catherine all the best :flowers: may she make a full recovery and make her triumphant return to Royal duties in no time :flowers: and may she finally receive the privacy and respect from the public and the media that she deserves, to get through this in the easiest way possible. No one in the world deserves to be treated as she has in recent weeks, while going through something so testing, so personal and emotional.
I think….In her humble fashion….

She did not want her diagnosis to overshadow KC’s. So he made his announcement first, and she respectfully waited a bit until making hers.

She’s not into stealing the attention.

Best wishes for her treatment. I think she is incredibly strong, mentally and physically.
I thought I read something about wanting to spare her children from having their classmates approach them about this so they were trying to wait until they were on holiday break.

Edit: wanted to make it clear I agree she is very humble about all this
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