Does this make your mouth water??


Me Luvz Chanel & LV
Feb 14, 2007

Guess what THIS is?!??


not a new accessory but an award winning american (i think) delicacy called a "corndog". :drool:

i was just surfing the net and came across this... this... well i dont know what to think of it...

here's the link: The Corndog Festival

I know its a little off, and that its NOT a purse or an accssory, but its so odd i just had to share it. In case its been posted before, or in anyway inappropriate, i apologize :shame: .
Mods, feel free to delete or close this thread down. ;)

But seriously, Would you eat it??​
I kinda reminds me of "s**t on a stick" -- that was the first thing I thought. I was afraid some poor bored soul decided that his poo could cause an artistic craze........