Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows RELEASE DATE

J.K.Rowling's official website :wlae:
I am SO excited for the book and the movie!! July is going to be an awesome month. I will be sad that the series is over though.. but at least we still have movie 6 and 7 to look forward to! Which 2 characters do you think will die? My guess is Voldemort and Hermione.
I can't wait!! :yahoo: It's also pretty sad, knowing this will be the last book of the series...:crybaby:

I know dear :crybaby: I'm going to miss waiting excitedly for a HP release.. :crybaby:
but lets talk about that later shall we?? hahaha.. WE HAVE ALL THIS TIME TO WAIT + LETS BE HAPPY!!!!

Cheer Up icechampagne!!

OMG Thanks so much for the info!!!! I am beyond excited!!!!

Your welcome angel2434 :yahoo:
Yahoo! I so thought it was going to be 07-07-07, for the seventh book!

At least we're close to that date even though it would certainly be cool. Everyone keeps thinking that the movie will be on 07/07/07 but its NOT

Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix (movie): 13/07/07

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (final book): 21/07/07

I keep on typing Half-Blood Prince by mistake :Push:
I am SO excited for the book and the movie!! July is going to be an awesome month. I will be sad that the series is over though.. but at least we still have movie 6 and 7 to look forward to! Which 2 characters do you think will die? My guess is Voldemort and Hermione.

2 characters?? *gulp*

Hagrid + Voldemort

Whats confusing me is that there's a possibility that Harry would die because JKR doesn't want any other authors to continue his sequel. :s
:yahoo: :nuts: :yahoo: :wlae:


One day before my b-day, meaning: I'll probably spend my birthday asleep as I've been reading HP7 cover to back the day before :graucho: