It's Official: I am Evelyne Shopping NOW


Butterfly Wrangler
Oct 20, 2006
Ok, I am taking the plunge. The leap. To the dark side. Where there is champagne and chocolate and all things lovely and orange.

I have decided on an Evelyne. I love the bolide, plume, and kelly. And VINTAGE!! But I really crave a lovely new fresh Evelyne in an orange box!

After much deliberation, I have decided that this bag is the one bag I am comfortable buying over the phone, as going to H means a plane ride... The rest I really would have to try and try on again and again....

I also believe the Evelyne2 in PM will suite my very casual lifestyle, and be a bag I can use when I am less casual, which in my case is only when I travel to California or Europe. Even then, I have a DD in tow and am usually doing something horsey or sporty and certainly casual...

I love the outside pocket. I love the wide strap. I love the equestrian heritage. I am smitten

Thanks to all who posted on the Evelyne thread. You are the sweetest, kindest enablers a gal could want.

wish me I go....
:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:
I am really open as far as colors, as long as they are "neutral-ish."

I am on hold right now!!!

...but having some trouble seeing if I can do it by phone.... Apparently they dont do that for new customers, that will make things a little harder.

OK, here is the update.

I have an SA!!!
This is so exciting!
:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

She is very sweet and I really look forward to working with her on this, and hopefully other projects.

Thanks to tPFer allaboutbags's recommendation, I feel like I have both feet fully in the door and a helpful partner for my first H leather purchase.

SA has Evelyn 2 PM in chartreuse clemence, and GM size in cognac epsom and clemence BJ.

I really wanted the PM, and am going to try to stick with this for now, the GM just feels a tiny tad too big.

The vert chartreuse isnt what I am looking for for this particular first bag, as I was going for a darker neutral, like raisin, noisette, havane, ebene, anthracite....or maybe a lighter grey or GOLD.....

She is also looking "in the back" and at the other store, and I am to fax my particulars for my "file."

YAY, I have a file.:yes:

The only glitch is the phone order part. They dont take CC for that, I may have to send a cashiers check. She is checking on it, and of course this part may be down the road apiece. Any thoughts??

I will keep you posted.
I am looking for an evelyn pm2 in clemence chocolate. Or I should say, my sa is. I left it up to him and hopefully I will get one before the price increase in Feb. I think this is a perfect intro to Hermes and be patient to get what you are wishing for. Good luck with your quest and welcome.