Your screen name?

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LV Baby!
Mar 20, 2007
I'm not if there's been a thread on this before but I love to find out what people's screen names mean! Some are easy to figure out but I see others as a puzzle :smile:
I'll go first--
A neighbor always called me katie-did when I was little so that stuck with me. I use ktdid or ktdid74 for most of my boards or ebay.
Oh, I hope this is ok for the Coach forum- this is the only forum I read and the only names I'm familiar with!
margaritaxmix -

well, my name is Margaret, and my friends love to make fun of it because they think it's too long of a name and it's for old ladies. so they just call me whatever they want...maggie, mags, marge, of my friends called me tequila. so i thought, margarita is closer to my name and it's more creative than "margaret" which no one seems to be able to spell...and i just added the 'xmix' at the end...margarita mix!

sorry for that incredibly long and dull story. :P
My friend told me about tpf just as I was beginning to become interested in Coach. I had just been "scolded" by ebay (okay, so I was suspended:shame:smile: b/c I didn't know any better. So the first thing I came up with was "didn't mean to". It was a rather childish response:s, I know, but I was so frustrated :hysteric:about being suspended and not being able to actually contact anyone at ebay and I kept receiving standardized emails to my questions.
I thought to change it for the longest time but one day I saw Vlad's msg about not being able to change your avatar name (there are some conditions where you can) but by this time I was too used to logging in as "didn't mean to" anyway.:shrugs:
My first name is Candace and my screen name is a homage to Halo - I am a total nut, obsessed actually...the Master Chief's name is see where I am going.

I've played all the games, I can't wait for Halo Wars to come out, I've read all the books and have action figures...yup. Obsessed.
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