Your Hermès in action!

Thanks! I got pretty good at tying after essentially winning a bet with DH. To prove my point I wore a scarf almost daily for about ten years. Go big or go home!

I’ve been red for a loooong time. I’m actually going to change it to light pink (I think!)

Thanks so much, sweetie [emoji8]
10 years??? :faint: No hope for me. I’m great with scissors and at wrapping gifts, but for some reason haven’t found my way around a scarf yet. Maybe I better stick to bags!
I had your hair color for one night but haven’t dared pull the trigger permanently yet. I always seoon when I see it though. Someday...
Someone please bring me a defibrolator!!
I’m dying about everything here!!!
Please tell me where you got your ensemble. It’s to die for!