You won't believe what I done today

IMO, if you can run over someone, you deserve to be the one with hot coffee on your clothes.

Hehe, I'll have to remember to walk with my drink away from me now! I'm so glad you saved your bag. I would have sacrificed my clothes to wipe it off with but I bet your tongue worker alot better. Is there any sign something spilled there or is it all gone?

btw- I agree- what a jerk!!
OMG.... I could totally picture that in my head! I could totally see that turned into a commercial if Chanel had commercials.

accidents happen but that guy was an ass for leaving you there when he was in too big of a hurry in the first place.

GOOD THINKING - did anyone see you licking your bag? I still laugh when I picture this.
OMG I probably would have done the same thing too...I hope you were able to get everything off...

That guy, what a jerk...I probably would have turned around and thrown whatever I had left in my hands at him =P Gotta figure even if I ruin his shirt, what are the chances that it cost more than the bag? save my Cambon Messenger bag!
I was on my way to a meeting in town carrying a starbucks hot chocoate and a black coffee, as i rounded the corner this guy coming the opposite way ran in to me knocking the hot chocolate down my top and over my bag (ON THE WHITE "C's") I totally went into a major panic as I had no tissues or anything to clean my bag with, so.......................I LICKED THE CHOCOLATE OFF MY BAG!!!

Can't believe I did that but it was the only way i could think of to save her!:yes:

Hope you and your baby are fine :girlsigh:!
:roflmfao::roflmfao: This would be one of the funniest scenes I had ever seen if I indeed saw you + your baby.
A classic story for how far we can go for Chanel purses! :tup::tup: