you know you're addicted to purseblog...when

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Jan 15, 2006
it is the first thing you you check in the morning upon getting up and the last thing in your mind while you get ready for bed. Hubby thinks there should be a Purseblog-Widowers Club for the men out there who are feeling abandoned....:P

Are there any addicts out there?( not talking purses)
hahaha uh huh. You know it's bad when you would rather check out everyone's collection of purses then check out your cute boyfriend when he gets out of the shower :biggrin:
* raises hand * .... <== feeling strong for being teh first one to admit! :biggrin:
my husband said ... i wish i could come home one day and NOT find you online :P
and yesturday he finally said .. ok u can be online when i come in ... but do you always have to be on the purse forums?
when you're out and you're obsessed with checking out other women's purses and comparing them to the ones in the Purseblog. I saw a woman recently with a Mizi Vienna, and I said to my friend, "Oh, that's the one that Star has"

She was like, who the hell is Star :weird:
I'm totally addicted!! I don't even study anymore. I asked my husband to restrict my access to the i-net especially here and NAP, ebay to 14:00-15:00 and from 20:00 o'clock to open end so that I can finish university. Just to protect myself from myself.