you know who you are...

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I would guess, that some of the PCE bags will either end up back at Coach or on Ebay if there is some kind of profit. I don't believe that all PCE is purchases are for private collections!;)
Can I laugh at Myself!?! We do laugh at ourselves and we hopefully take reality checks. We're all in the same merry boat. It can be overwhelming for some . . . don't be sensitive . . . take a look at my collections past and present. I am not ashamed, em bare ssed. I apologize if I sounded critical, but I'm not over analyzing, I think I'm pretty accurate.
how depressing:crybaby:, can we delete??jp i lpersonally luv the eye candy and don't really think of the person buying it, it gives me hope that i can catch up to the collections:P
wow, just got back from dinner wtih dh's family and saw this thread....

I think if people can afford it, let them buy whatever they want and show it off. Its not really any of our business where any of us get our money, whether its family money, we earn it, or our husbands or parents give it to us. If you have the money and this habit isn't putting you into deep debt, buy whatever you want.

Part of the fun of this board is the fun reactions we get from everyone when we have a new bag. I love that I get the same reaction from the group if I show you $1500 in new bags like I did the other day with patent, geranium and snakeskin or if I show you the silly lucky keychain I got from ebay for $25. If that's not tpf love I don't know what is.

I love seeing the big collections some people have. I am not interested in collecting, I like to buy, use, then eventually sell to buy new, but I think it's great that some people are big time collectors.

whatever works for ya, you can afford and makes you happy. more power to ya! :yes:
Oh no you guys! Let's not get nasty and fight about this! I love being here. I love seeing everyone's new stuff, collections, wish lists, etc. It's sooo much fun to know there are just as many "sickos" out there like me.
heehee, ok i have to go to bed now,
need to sell old baby stuff to make it to the outlet. lmao
you guys are great either way
BTW, we missed you court!:wlae:
night night
Well, I can tell you there are a lot of people who buy on credit and don't pay their bills - I work for a mortgage broker and see people's credit reports every day. As for me, I have bought a couple thousand dollars worth in the last few months, but I always buy on sale or at the outlet and I don't have a car payment or any other debt, and I don't go out, go to bars, buy fast food, etc. What some people spend on Starbuck's in one month, I spend on a bag...and I get 20% off and no tax at the BX (military store), on ebay, at the outlet, or through PCE. Plus I have a lot of investments that earn interest so I can use that money toward my Coach purchases.
I think too it's just where people are in their lives. The starving college student Coach fanatic versus the established in life Coach fanatic. Disposable income and all that.

If there is one thing I have learned in life it's that no matter how much you have, there is always someone out there who has more. Unless you're Oprah Winfrey of course. Oh, and the other thing I learned is that if you have children, and you think the age of 2 is terrible? Just wait until that child is 16...and driving! :wtf: L'Oreal has yet to invent a permanent shade of hair color to get me through THAT task!
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