Yey or Ney on this sweater....

Feb 16, 2010
Does this look to "granny"?


I like the shape, it looks good on you, but I don't care for the pattern.

ITA with this, the sweater is great but the pattern itself gives off a casual vibe to me. Makes me think of snuggling on the couch in front of a fire not vampy, hot mama in wicked thigh-high boots...which is what you are. :biggrin: You look great OP!
The cut and drape of the cardie are gorgeous on you (great combo with the boots, by the way). But I personally am not wild about the pattern...I think it's because it reminds me of the sweaters I wore in the '80s...then again, the '80s are IN so you would definitely be on trend. :tup: