Yellow EPI Petite Noe - what color shoes to wear?

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Jul 20, 2006
I just bought the yellow epi petite noe from a my poupette selller off of ebay. I am all ready anticipating the "smell" seems this seller's stuff always has the moth ball , smokey smell but I was obsessing over the color. Any advice? Also what color shoes to wear ? Camel or neutral? I really just want the color for jeans and khakis and maybe even olive.. thanks
Congrats on such a fun, vibrant bag! I hope it comes odor-free as well! Yes, white shoes would be nice, even navy moccasins or flats if you're wearing jeans!
thanks everyone as ALWAYS you guys gave me tons of great ideas! I love the red idea and the gold ballet flats.. thanks NOW I got a good reason to buy some and also white sandals.. you guys are the best!!!!!!!!!