Xbox 360

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Sep 13, 2005
Do any of you have one? Is it really addicting? I am contemplating getting one but am afraid I'll never get off it (kind of like this forum)...and I am scheduled to graduate this summer so I NEEED to do well in all of my classes. This is one of my most time consuming semesters...can someone please talk me out of this one!:wacko: I usually get all of the systems just for the hell of having them...but I think I'll never get off the new Dead or Alive game!!!!
IS it even readily available? My dad was searching for it for my youngest brother but could not find it anywhere for the life of him!
I bought one for my husband for Christmas. If you want some reasons for not buying one, here they are:

1. They do not play all the games available to regular XBOX. The patches are not all made yet, so if you really like some of your old xbox games, you still need to maintain all the platforms. For those with patches, you need to download them to your xbox, which means you either need xbox live, or have the capability of burning them.

2. A lot of XBOX 360's were having issues of overheating, they need proper ventilation, etc.. etc... We have not had this problem, but some of our friends complained about whirling noises and such.

3. Not a huge selection of games out there yet. I haven't been wow'd by too much either. The graphics on some of the racing games are amazing, better than rl (oh wait... need to focus on the negatives). Not good selection on games.. yeah that's it....

Uhmm.. that's all I can think about. I think they will be worth while in a little bit after the market has shifted a bit more. I still think it's a regular XBOX market for a while. Not to mention, I don't know how readily available the XBOX360 is right now. Hopefully, they fixed all those problems.

Good luck! And focus on what's important! GRADUATION and HANDBAGS!
we have a regular xbox right now. I'm letting my husband decide between the ps3 and the xbox360 for xmas this year. My BIL has an xbox360 and Mark plays it with him. They both love it. But my BIL runs a game store so he gets all the cool stuff first.

PS: I play Halo on xbox live. I love playing it's fun :P
I bought one for my husband at Christmas and he loves it. If you really like gaming you will definitely appreciate the quality! I don't play much but the graphics are awsome. We've had no problems with it. Maybe buy it as a graduation gift for yourself (with that birkin too lol). Then you can play all you want the rest of the summer!
Megs said:
IS it even readily available? My dad was searching for it for my youngest brother but could not find it anywhere for the life of him!

My X said that its readily available in CA, and also there are some places you can pre-order it for this month online in a bundle. Costco here also had some bundles for sale, so I'm pretty sure if I decide to get one I'll be able to do it this month :biggrin:

I checked and they don't have the single console available, but the bundles are more fun anyway :biggrin:

I think I'll probably end up waiting on it. It just seems like too much of a distraction this semester. There are only 2 more months left anyway :nuts: I guess I could always buy one now and just leave it in the box....but thats TEMPTATION!:cry:
My brother just got one for his birthday (in february), and he is absolutely obsessed with it. The only problem he had was actually finding one. He ended up finding one at like Target in the middle of nowhere, but it is well worth it and he is getting great use out of it.
my parents bought my brother one for christmas (they paid my boyfriend $150 to camp out outside of a best buy in metro atlanta for it, lol. he was unemployed at the time, he needed the money!) and he seems to really like it - he was the first person he knew with one. i'd wait until there are more games available, though.
We have one, I stalked the week before Christmas and it went on sale at 8 a.m. We ordered two and sold one on eBay, made a small profit :amuse:

I'd wait until your semester is over, if you think it'll have you sitting in front of the TV instead of concentrating on your studies. The bf has been good so far about not spending too much time playing it, but he just ordered two games, so I have the feeling that he'll be taking over the big screen for a while :suspiciou You'll have more time to play after the semester is over, instead of trying to juggle everything at once. I also agree with amanda, if you wait, more games will be out :biggrin:
Like any other game console, it can be very addictive. LOL. If you want to be sure it won't be a huge distraction, I'd say wait until you have more time.
The graphics on it look pretty good.. but I would personally wait until there's more generations out since it had some overheating problems.
I haven't played one but I have heard the issues with it. I :heart: Xbox and still I can't seem to get all worked up about the 360, it just doesn't seem like its all that. I'd rather hold out for the Nintendo Revolution and get something more interesting...