Wrongly charged my cc..what should i do?

call the store, talk to the manager and tell them to cancel BOTH the charges on your card. then charge it through another SA. this might seem a little b*tchy, but she has absolutely no right to charge you for something you did not authorize her to! maybe she has some sales quota that she missed or whatever and just figured it would be easy to screw you over since you're not in the country.
My SA just did that. Went and rung up a bag with out my absolute 100% consent on it. It really irritated me, so I eventutally told her to just cancel the sale. They have to refund and reverse the sale, thats ridiculous, and for her to say she' can't is crap.

They can eitiher reverse/refund the sale or do a complete void of the sale.
They shld be able to do the refund but it would probably take a few days.

Something similar happened to me previously... I had informed the SA who put me on a waitlist that I will not be getting the bag from her cos' I had already found one in another store. Despite this, my cc was charged by another SA from that store for the bag while I was on vacation and they didn't even call me to confirm if I wanted to proceed with the purchase. Hence, I had to keep calling US to try to rectify it and in the end, I spent a couple of hundreds on overseas calls just to get the transaction reversed. :cursing:
I remember someone mentioning a similar huge ordeal a few months ago. It was astonishing then, and it's astonishing now. No SA should charge your card for ANYTHING that you haven't specifically authorized. The whole thing disgusts me. I agree, call and speak to the manager immediately. That kind of behavior should not be allowed to continue. You should be called and asked first, unless you've given previous permission.
ID cancel this entire transaction and get a new SA..Call that store..ask to speak to the MANAGER...explain this situation..and ask her to call your credit card company and make sure it was reversed ASAP
Good luck..this is a sucky situation.she had NO RIGHT to charge u an extra bag
WOW. I totally agree.

That's way out of line for an SA to do. She really needs to get a scolding from her boss for doing that.

Thanks everyone!!!
This really sucks!! and while im thinking the cancel of this deal...she told me the transaction is reversed and she already charge me for the right bag! I check the bank today, the right bag is charged but reverse still not seen (may be take a few days for refund or sth??)anyway, its just really an unhappy business this time...u know shopping should be fun and looking forwrd thing.