Would you buy gifts for your EX?

Aug 30, 2006
My ex bf b'day is coming up and I'm still debating if I should get him a gift. Although we broke up but we still talk like once or twice a month. What would u do, if u were me? go for it or skip it? :confused1:
Nope. I wouldn't. Might send mixed messages. But, if you want to do that, you know, if you are wanting him to 'remember you' and keep you in mind, it's a good plan!
I guess it might depend on what kind of relationship you have with your ex... if you're still good friends, no hard feelings... maybe. I'm not close to any of my ex-bf's... I keep in touch with a couple of them on occasion, but other than wishing a happy b-day via e-mail, I wouldn't consider sending a gift.
hm, i think if you guys still have lunch or dinner together sometimes, maybe a card with some normal gift would be okay... it just, i couldnt figure it out which gift we could consider a normal gift, ;)