Would you be angry over something like this?


Jul 6, 2011
Today, after I got in to work, I left my handbag on my desk with some of my items out and went to say hello to a colleague who had come back from sick leave As I stepped away from my desk, another colleague went up to my desk and started chatting with us (she went up to my desk to be closer to us). She ten proceeded to eat her sandwich while standing right over my desk and personal belongings (including handbag) Crumbs fell on handbag and desk, and she didn't even bother apologizing or wiping them off. Would you find this behavior somewhat out of the ordinary? I didn't say anything to her but I had to wipe everything up afterwards and haven't been talking to her much today.
I wouldn't be angry but I'd be irritated. And some people are naturally messy which I guess is the counterpart to me being naturally very neat.

I would have made a silly joke while she was there and said something like "Hey! The weather forecast didn't say there'd be a bread crumb shower today! You need to get a napkin for that as it's raining bits and pieces all over my things." That way she'd know to be more conscientious without feeling "spanked" and I would have made my point gently so it didn't happen again.
i'd be irritated, but i wouldn't say anything. i'd just be miffed inside. i had a colleague come to my office and move EVERYTHING off to the side, like push all my stuff aside so he could rest his hands on my desk, including my purse and a coffee. i was like WTF? i just don't like him now, lol. people can be rude.
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Ugh, I hate it when people in the office have poor manners, and no respect for personal belongings. That would make me angry too, but I also put my handbag in a file cabinet.

I have this one c-level exec who would always, always sit in someone's empty chair then prop his dirty shoes up on their desk while talking. It's gross and unsanitary, and makes him look like a complete d-bag (excuse my language).
Yes it would annoy me, people are so thoughtless.

I'd do what I do with DH when he starts grazing like a wild beast- pass him a plate "there you go darling"
Am I hungry?
Because, hey, free sandwich crumbs!

Seriously, I'd brush off the area/bag & move on.:shrugs:
Everyone has the right to be imperfect. And crumbs aren't, say, spilled acid or nail varnish.