Would my style match this bag (pics)?


Apr 12, 2007
Hello! I am one who believes in having your bag match your outfits and not just getting something because you like it.
Would getting the Cecilia in BLACK match my style?

BAG: is here

I attached pics of my style. Thanks guys!


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hmm, i don't really possess much style other than my bags so i may not be the best to offer an opinion...but i will just in case it helps! ;)
i think that the Rosen bag may be better? The Cecelia is beautiful but may be a little too formal for what I am seeing as your style.
(photo courtesy of pursemonkey):
I think I agree with Dawn; to me your style seems more hip and rocker-type.
Maybe you need something with a little more edge, like the Rosen that Dawn suggested?
(really cool pics, BTW)
What's funny is that suddenly today I've been pondering black Cecilia as my next conquest! And I had the Rosen and felt it didn't suit my style:smile: I think I'm going with the others and suggesting the Rosen as an alternative. Edgy yet so chic, like your style!
are we talking about matching YOU or what you WEAR??
I am one who does not believe that the bag you carry has to match your outfit -- I wear what I want, when I want, no matter what I'm wearing -- which means that sometimes I might be wearing brown or blue, yet be carrying my PLUM stam!!!

I think the cecelia would be fine for YOU -- esp if you get one of the new ones with the chain instead of the webbed strap