Worst gifts/cheap relatives? Tell your story

I have an aunt that always regifts things that have been given to her by vendors from her job. Everyone in the family knows it, and it's so obvious, but she continues to do it, so we have learned to ignore it now. And this stuff is cheesy gifts, not good gifts at all.
My dad's youngest sister is that way!! I had to laugh when I read about the books -casue she is KNOWN for pulling that one!!

One year for my birthday (35th or 36th?) My dad gave me a miniture (metal) shopping cart wrapped in a Target bag??! Larger than a figurine but even smaller than a toy one--- WTH was I supposed to do with that???
One year for Christmas my Grandma gave me a jar of petroleum jelly. You know what she gave my sister? Long johns. She's, how do you put it nicely, very frugal. A huge fan of dollar stores.
Thank goodness she never did this to me (that I know of), but I used to work with a girl whose BIL worked at a luxury condominium high-rise, and would go through the items discarded by the residents, and bring things home that seemed worthwhile. This doesn't bother me a bit, but what bothers me is that this woman would then go through the stuff her BIL brought home from the building and give it to our coworkers as holiday gifts. Every year she gave garbage to people, it made me sick. I was glad she never liked me enough to give me anything at all. :lol:
sparkles48 said:
:roflmfao: :roflmfao:

Goodness! That's a VERY appropriate name for her! I can't believe she's that ridiculous.. that takes talent to be THAT stingy :shocked: No thank you cards for her...

Now, now . . . let's not stoop to their level. Be the bigger person and write the thank you note. (Just lie your ass off on it! :lol: )
My sister did that one Christmas. I got some wierd book of poems and some scented oil. (She told me she almost wrapped up Almost Famous on video . . . I would've been okay with THAT!)
Omigosh, this thread has me ROARING!

Let's see, the horrible gifts we've gotten are almost too many to mention, but here are a few - last year my 16 year old got knitted gloves with little faces and yarn hair on the fingers from her Grandma. When she was five, she got a riding helmet (she didn't like horses and didn't take lessons) from her aunt.

My mother buys my girls coats - four or five a year - that are boys' coats and aren't the right size.

One wedding gift we received still had the card from the original gift giver to the person who gave it to us.

And..one Christmas I got a lint roller.
My MIL for my first Hannukah married to her son gave me a bag full of nine dusty but wrapped presents. They all said, "To Mother, with love Lisa." Here is the kicker, they were presents TO HER from my sister-in-law who she had not spoken to in 6 years.
My big brother got me a ceramic cup(Valued at $0.50) that says in Chinese "Happy Birthday" for Xmas. That was ultra cheap to my entire family, he gave samples or unwanted gifts to the rest of the family. My Dad got a 'better deal' and got a Thumbdrive... LOL! He's making so much more than we (The siblings)!

A girlfriend of mine got a $20 bookstore voucher from one of her guests who, of course, didn't leave a name on the gift.
This is hilarious...I swear I can top it:

My grandma was pretty well off and could afford presents but for Christmas every year she would go upstairs and dig through boxes to find presents....one year I got my grandpa's flight wings from WWII (HELLO....I was 8 and a girl!!!!!!) and that was it. Another year it was underwear without a wrapper on it (OMG!?!?...immediately Mom threw them in garbage). I've received plates from her (yes...from her kitchen cupboard), pictures of myself as a child (like I want that!), pictures of her when she was younger, a chocolate bar and more! Each Christmas was only one gift....gee imagine my joy at having to go over there!
I mean the woman had Faberge eggs in a jewerly store display case in her living room...and I get some freaking underwear??!!??

Now I'm married and my SIL moved to our town (that's just a whole different nightmare I could write a book on). They're not well off at all...they are always broke and borrowing money from us. We told them NO CHRISTMAS this year! Well they didn't listen and this is what I got:

A freaking box of Tide!!!!!!!!!! I kid you not...WTF?? Do I look like I need some freaking TIDE????????
Kay...I never wear my clothes more than 1 day...I'm kind of anal about it....so I know I don't smell....I use Tide Mountain Fresh with Downey liquid freshener...so I know my clothes don't stink or look dirty. Why Tide????
I was sooo mad I threw it away....it was just regular cheapo Tide (not the scented stuff), so I'd never use it anyways.
OK present #2 from them: A Disco ball.....yup I'm 28 yrs old and married and haven't been to a bar in about 10 years (quit drinking right when it became legal to drink iN Canada). Is this some kind of hint that I need to loosen up???? WTF! This got thrown away too.
Then again from them....a pen....no NOT a nice pen...just a regular ballpoint pen.

I was so furious that I actually confronted her....I mean normally I'm not rude about gifts...because hey buy what you can afford it's the thought that counts...but seriously TIDE???!!?? We got into a huge argument about it...I was screaming..she was screaming,,,hubby was trying to mediate. Basically my point was...I told her not to buy anything and if she insisted on celebrating Christmas she could have at least put a minute of thought into it and not buy me something as she was meandering down the grocery store aisles.