Woohoo! I have finally done it!

Hi neverdecide,

I remember you from a while back. I think I was in a neverdecide mood over something at the time, but I can't recall the specifics!

There is no such thing as a small Mulberry purchase and we all started with one at some point.

TBH I always feel a teenier bit guilty about purses and wallets. Somehow they always seem more of a luxury!

Congratulations and welcome to the slippery slope!
Thanks everyone, hi to hulahoop, corries and slowhand. I recognise you from before too.
Now i have finally got it i should stop my constant hunting now. I have purse and mulberry somerset shoulder. However being back here reading posts, i am sure that i may wish for something else!:graucho:
Great news! Ikewym. I ummed and ahhed a long while before spending the money required for a mulberry purse! I bet you will use it every day though so cost per wear will work out reasonably in the long run. I totally you understand you wanting the tree logo on your purse and good for you for tracking one down. Congratulations! xx