Why oh why?

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Aug 20, 2006
I just can't understand people's EBay bidding patterns. A gorgeous rouge vif day was listed tonight. I have a city, but would rather have this bag in a day. But I didn't bid because I've been a BBag glutton this weekend. Anyway, the opening bid was set at $600 with a BIN of $650. Someone bid $600 and did not do the BIN. Can anyone explain why this isn't just nutty at this price?

And if a tPFer is the bidder, I apologize.

eBay: Authentic Balenciaga rouge vif day bag (item 160081950639 end time Feb-11-07 06:49:51 PST)
Maybe because they could use the extra few days to try and sell something to raise the money for that purchase? Or, they are hoping to get a screaming deal. Not sure. But a $650 BIN is crazy to miss out on.
Maybe they're hoping no one else is interested and so they'd save $50 -- I've done that on other auctions where I kinda wanted the item but if I didn't get it I was fine with it.

Of course, that's never happened with me and a b bag!
I think highgloss is right I've done that before but the diffrence of BIN and bid was about a $100 and if I rember correctly I won the item now it wasn't a b-bag.
I agree, maybe the buyer wanted to save the 50$ or wanted to raise money to pay for it, who knows.

Either way I personally think posts like these are one of the reasons why achtung was taken down. The bidders might be pf members and might find whats posted in this thread offensive. Just my opinion though, will go back under my rock now.
I am just curious about this strategy, because I have always wondered about it. I can understand passing over the BIN option when the bidding point and BIN are futher apart, but have wondered about it when it is $50 or less.

Two PFers have given me food for thought:

1. Trying to raise the money before the auction ends.
2. The bidder kind of wants the item, but is not totally sure and wants time to think before the auction ends.
I remember reading someone's post in this forum saying that they'll put in a bid to buy time to get some questions answered then retract the bid and hit BIN. Bad idea IMHO since it goes on your profile record how many times your withdraw bids so everyone will see and the seller may cancel your bid. Also, what if someone else bids?!?
That was me liz - just did it once or maybe twice. Not a habit or constant practice for sure. My sisters and I were looking at a particular model (not saying which one) right before we went to the Indian Casino. I debated and debated and they said "just do the bid so no one BINs" and IF you win at the casino it was meant to be, if not let someone else outbid you, if no one outbids, then you get it at a cheaper price.

Many reasons to not do the BIN but mostly its an "on the fence" attitude. One could even say selfish.
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