Who has the oldest Birkin?

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Show Me The Orange!
Jun 17, 2006
Now that we have the oldest (I think) Kelly with NewHermesLover, I wonder who has the oldest Birkin?

The reason I am asking is that I am interested (if the owner is willing to post some pictures) in how the Birkin has evolved through the ages. OK, we know about the H zipper stops and also a slightly different typeface on the hardware thanks to HG, but what other details have changed? I would also be interested in seeing old HACs.

So, 'fess up, who has a vintage Birkin/HAC?
Question............. if there are 26 characters in the english alphabet, then the new cycle would have been 2010. Which letters did they skip since the new one is J and its the 10th character.
I'm confused, please help a girl out :yes: .
Hi Isus, the H zipper stop was introduced a couple of years ago but it appears that H craftsmen are not consistent in using it. So, some have it, some don't.
Not sure of anyone here. i'm certain Jane Birkin has the oldest birkin of all. she only own one birkin throughout her life, black box birkin w/GH, (correct me if i'm wrong.)