I've been so impressed with IF Audra bag since I received it; the quality of the leather is awesome!
But, I had to return it because it looked like somebody got a good use out of it. I mean, the hardware was all scratched up! :evil: I could not, in good conscience, pay the full price for a bag that was not perfect, so to speak! It was the last one of the 2005 version too, from Neiman Marcus. :cry:
Anyway, I still want an IF bag. Which one do you prefer:
I love both browns and blues, so color is not an issue. I guess I'm more concerned with the weight, and with their sizes for my 5'2", size 4- 6 frame. So if you have seen either bag in real life, your input would be very helpful.
Thanks all!

Anyway, I still want an IF bag. Which one do you prefer:

I love both browns and blues, so color is not an issue. I guess I'm more concerned with the weight, and with their sizes for my 5'2", size 4- 6 frame. So if you have seen either bag in real life, your input would be very helpful.
Thanks all!