Which Isabella Fiore bag?

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Jan 18, 2006
I've been so impressed with IF Audra bag since I received it; the quality of the leather is awesome! :love: But, I had to return it because it looked like somebody got a good use out of it. I mean, the hardware was all scratched up! :evil: I could not, in good conscience, pay the full price for a bag that was not perfect, so to speak! It was the last one of the 2005 version too, from Neiman Marcus. :cry:

Anyway, I still want an IF bag. Which one do you prefer:



I love both browns and blues, so color is not an issue. I guess I'm more concerned with the weight, and with their sizes for my 5'2", size 4- 6 frame. So if you have seen either bag in real life, your input would be very helpful.

Thanks all!
slickskin said:
I've been so impressed with IF Audra bag since I received it; the quality of the leather is awesome! :love: But, I had to return it because it looked like somebody got a good use out of it. I mean, the hardware was all scratched up! :evil: I could not, in good conscience, pay the full price for a bag that was not perfect, so to speak! It was the last one of the 2005 version too, from Neiman Marcus. :cry:

Anyway, I still want an IF bag. Which one do you prefer:

I love both browns and blues, so color is not an issue. I guess I'm more concerned with the weight, and with their sizes for my 5'2", size 4- 6 frame. So if you have seen either bag in real life, your input would be very helpful.

Thanks all!

Have you ever seen the brown style in person? The leather they used on it is quite stiff....and the little eyelit things have a vinyl backing/support on them. If you fold them over, you can see it's vinyl. :Push: I was looking at the Carina style way back in this style, and when I saw it in person, I didn't care for it.

That said, I really like the blue one!
I haven't seen the blue one IRL, but I've seen the brown one and it's GI-normous! I agree, the brown's leather isn't soft at all.
I have seen the blue one at Nordys. It's a pretty big bag. I'm 5'7, and I thought the bag looked huge on me. It kind of reminded me of a gym bag...but that's just me! The leather is nice, though. I saw the brown tote at Saks and the leather is pretty stiff.
Oooh, good to know about the stiff leather on the brown "Stud Muffin" Eva; thanks for the input. Drat! I wonder if the leather on the blue is comparable to the Audra...