Which color for Envelope Pouch??!!

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Dec 17, 2006
I am trying to get a Vernis Envelope Pouch when it comes out next month. But, I couldn't decide whether to get it in Pomme d'Amour or Framboise. Which color do you think looks better??
I can not decide myself. I know I'm getting the pomme d'amour, and also want the framboise, but I'm not sure whether I"ll go for two of them. I gotta see it first....do you have any other vernis pieces in either color? Are you more of a pink or a red kinda girl?
mickloisem -

No, I don't have anything in Vernis line. I think I am more of a pink girl, but red looks good. It's just hard to choose. And I will not buy two, so I must choose one color that looks good now and 10 years from now.

Does Pomme d'Amour looks really dark? I think I like brighter red more.
It's darker than the old red, but still brilliant and beautiful.
Check it out IRL and I think you'll love it. Oh, esp when you take it outdoors in the sunlight---TDF! I have the pochette wallet already....