Where do u put your bbag in restaurant?

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Apr 23, 2006
Bbag is not a structure bag & it's so slouchy, where do you ladies put your bbag in restaurant? If you put it on the floor, the corner & the bottom of the bag will get dirty soon. I am worried about oil from the food get splatter onto bbag too. Where do you put your bbag in restaurant? Please share! :yes:
I pray that there are corners on the chair where I can hook my bbag. If not, I've been known to put it in the back of my seat even if I have to be a little uncomfortable for the meal. lol
I'm the same: If the chair has a high ladder back, it goes on the rail, if not it goes behind me, or on a chair next to me.

I totally stress about stuff like this. I don't like ANY of my bags on the floor!
Usually i sit in booths so that is easy.. if not and there is no extra chair available or whatever i just sit it in my lap and put the napkin over top. I trust myself more not to drop food than others bumping it and knocking it on the floor or spilling stuff on it if it was on the back on my chair. I am protective of my babiesss:heart:
i prefer an empty chair, or even sitting it in my lap (in bar-type instances), but if i must, ill put it on the floor (i know, not good, but as much as i love my bbags, i love a good meal more :biggrin:)
I grab an empty chair and put the bag right next to me and I'll look over to see if "she's" ok in between my bites. :P Recently, I'm thinking of investing in one of those smart bag hanger hooks...
I only trust my own lap... if it's on a chair, I CONSTANTLY turn around to make sure it's still there. The lap has a downfall, though... I spilled water on her today while I was scarfing a crepe :crybaby:
Either on a spare chair, or on my lap...

I have a habit of putting my bags on my lap, and people always ask

"Do you have heaps of money in there or something..."

I guess it looks like I am guarding it with my dear life, but its just a habit, and I also dont want to put it on a grotty floor!
I always hang my bbag on the chair next to me then cover it up with my coat. I'd rather my coat catch the spill than my bbag. Also pull the chair alittle closer to you. Never on the floor!!