When do know it's not for you?

Jul 9, 2006
Ok, I lusted after the RC candy Birkin and finally got one. I've only carried it twice as I love carrying my Bolide and think I want another too. I look at the Birkin and think its positively beautiful and the perfect red but just don't think of carrying it. The Bolide is so much easier to take ...maybe because of the strap. Am I not a Birkin girl? I'm not one to keep things that I don't use so think I'm not going to change. Anyone else ever feel this way?
Sometimes I covet things and once I get them they seem too precious....or somehow not me. I usually force myself to use it. And it falls into place and becomes mine.
I'm not big on reselling things, but that's just me.
Have to say I'm battling with myself over my Evelyne at the moment! I find I reach for my little Pico 9 times out of 10 and have to really talk myself into using the Evelyne. I find the Pico just so much more user friendly. And yet I always thought of myself as not being a hand held girl, and I adored the Evelyne when I first got her, still do but just find that now its more of a sit and stare at it and love it, rather than use it!!!! I would love another Pico :love: But in order to do so would probably have to say goodbye to Evelyne and I don't think I can do that! :nogood: So I feel your pain.
Thanks for your advice. This bag is just gorgeous. Maybe it's the ease of the Bolide with the strap that makes me go to it so much. Maybe I should make myself use it more. This didn't happen with the Birkin until I got the Bolide): which is a wonderful bag!
Yes, try using your birkin more. If after several months, it does not feel like you, then revisit what you might want to do. I had the same kind of disconnect with my first Birkin and now I love her to bits! I am not strictly a birkin girl and continue my love for other H styles as well.
I don't think it's that you're 'not a birkin girl', it's just that your lifestyle restricts the use of it.

My gf has a B30 that she uses maybe once a month. She finds that it's too heavy and inconvenient due to lack of strap. So she carries her Lindy more but jumps at any chance when she can use her B.

If you still love the bag, and you look great with it, nothing wrong with keeping it for special occasions.

Otherwise, maybe get a Kelly instead?

I apologize if this thread wasn't a 'seeking advice' thread. But i don't have much to add to the original topic.
Like HPoirot's gf, I also only bring my B out when I'm going out to lunch or dinner. Day-to-day, it's not practical and prefer a handsfree type bag. But I would never give it up - it is soooo beautiful and I just love it! Why don't you just use it like a fun, going-out bag rather than your reliable go-to Bolide which can be your day-to-day bag?

Now, I did decide to go through a reseller recently for a bag - the Double Sens. It was just too big for me and heavy. After a couple of uses, it has sat in my closet for close to a year. I have never resold anything because prior to my interest in Hermes, my other bags (tods, gucci and lv) are just not that expensive so having them sit in my closet wasn't a big deal. There is no emotional attachment to the Double Sens for me - it's a well-made bag but not one that I would miss in my closet.

It depends whether your B is like my B or the double sens.

Good luck with your decision!
I go through cycles with my bags and scarves and accessories. I'll go months and seasons without using something, only to fall in love with it again after pulling it out. I also realize that there are bags I rarely use (and sometimes forget about!) until the right occasion comes up—and that happens most with hand-held, small bags. But then the right event or the right dress comes up, and I grab the item, and it's perfect.

Hermès items are for life; you don't have to use something regularly to get value from it.

That said, some things don't work out or your priorities change. I resell things all the time—but not anything I still love, even if it's pulled out of the wardrobe only once or twice a year. Enjoy your Birkin when wearing it is perfect!
Ok, I lusted after the RC candy Birkin and finally got one. I've only carried it twice as I love carrying my Bolide and think I want another too. I look at the Birkin and think its positively beautiful and the perfect red but just don't think of carrying it. The Bolide is so much easier to take ...maybe because of the strap. Am I not a Birkin girl? I'm not one to keep things that I don't use so think I'm not going to change. Anyone else ever feel this way?

You know, I totally understand but in the opposite way.
Love all my bags but keep coming back to using my Birkins the most
I try to rotate bags, and not use my Birkins in situations that require under the radar bags, but then I miss my Birkin. I think it is figuring out what you comfortable with and what fits your lifestyle.
IMO it's ok to have a bag you just look at and use less if you get pride and pleasure out of just having it.
Like artwork sometimes it's enough just to be beautiful.
The Bolide is beautiful,too.
Maybe there is room in your collection for both?
You have fantastic taste- and lovely bags.
Enjoy them--
Of course, if the Birkin doesn't get along with your Bolides she can come live with me--just sayin'
I have the same problem with my Birkin. It is beautiful, I look at it all the time but when I am on my way out, I grab another one of my bags...I feel too self conscious when wearing this bag, but it was my 4 0 present and I know I will keep her forever. I don't mind not wearing things a year later, I always take them out for a spin, they are not trendy but eternal IMO. As TT says, it's like a work of art...and the smell, divine:biggrin:
I absolutely feel the same way with my Birkin and other more casual H bags. I am eyeing Bolide and I know I am going to love it. I wear a lot of my Lindys and Victoria. Next is my Kelly and lastly is Birkin. I found things I didn't know about myself and I wouldn't have if I haven't gotten myself a Birkin. I don't quite feel "in my skin" with Birkin. Not that I am going to let it go, I will keep it but I know I will use less of it.