What's your favorite book?

The Giver
The Hobbit
Pride and Prejudice
Narnia Series

Most of my favorite books stem from reading them over and over as a child...

The Kite Runner


A Thousand Splendid Suns

by the same author. Excellent, emotional, thought-provoking books that will keep you thinking about them long after you are done reading them.

I totally agree! I love Khaled Hosseini (sp?) Those books really make you feel for the characters. I hope he writes another soon!
The Giver
The Hobbit
Pride and Prejudice
Narnia Series

Most of my favorite books stem from reading them over and over as a child...

I love children's books and YA novels... I use the excuse of wanting to write in the YA fantasy genre to keep me from getting weird looks from people, but there's a magic in them that I can't find in a lot of adult books.

Have you read the sequels to The Giver? They're also good, and a lot of people don't know about them since Lowry didn't win a Newberry for those.
too many! I like different books for different reasons. But off the top of my head in the last couple of years I'd have to say "East of Eden" (a classic I finally sat down and read almost in one sitting!) and "Life of Pi".
Geez, who can choose only one book as a favorite? I read so much that it's hard to even begin to have a favorite. I was a literature major as an undergraduate student, so books have been a big deal for me for a very long time.

I have several that I like a lot, but even if I list the ones that readily come to mind right now I'm bound to leave some out!

My "desert island" books, in no particular order, although this is not a comprehensive list of all my favorites:

Beautylicious (okay, it's "fluff", but I need a "guilty pleasure" book!)

The Color Purple and all other books by Alice Walker (she is my second favorite author of all time)

The Season of Passage

All books by Octavia E. Butler, as she is my favorite author

All books by Bebe Moore Campbell

The Autobiography of Malcolm X as told to Alex Haley

The Portable Harlem Renaissance Reader

Trouble the Water: 250 Years of African American Poetry

The Mis-Education of the Negro

Can we count comic books also? :rolleyes: I looooove comic books :heart::heart:

Besides comic books, my favorite is... hum...so many..
- Most books by Fyodor Dostoevsky
- Lord of the flies by William Golding
- A personal matter by Oe Kenzaburo
- Life: A User's manual by Perec
- GEB by Hofstadter (am reading it now and love it)
I have soooo many favourite books! The Lord of the Rings by Tolkien, 1984 by Orwell and Brave New World by Huxley, and more recently Memoirs of a Geisha- the book is a lot better than the movie. And I'm re-reading Mists of Avalon at the moment, and I plan on re-reading (again) Contact by Carl Sagan soon- another one where the book is better than the movie!
My favorite book is The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. It's so beautifully written.

Yes. It is 1000% perfect:yes:.
I kind of regret seeing the movie. It just can't touch it. It is stupid that they even tried.

Also, Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton. I read this as a teenager and was absolutely SUCKED in, i didn't want it to end! This was long before I was a "reader". I picked it up again recently and it had the exact same effect.