What's wrong with people?

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Bag Hag
Nov 15, 2006
Today, I’m walking down the street during my lunch hour with Miss Truffle Work and some “woman” stopped me on the street to say, “Oh, that's a nice bag, I was going to buy one in red but wouldn’t spend $85.00 on it…”

WTH :confused1: :cursing: :confused1:
ACK, it sounds like she thought you bought it out on the street!!! :wtf:...some people just don't have any class or manners :hysteric:...what really drives me crazy is all of the people here in nyc who bump into me when i'm carrying my b-bags...i mean, how hard is it to keep from physically touching someone else when you're walking down the sidewalk or supermarket aisle?!?! :Push:
Are you kidding me? She actually stopped you just to make that asinine comment? How tacky. I would have told her, "Well honey, you definitely wouldn't want my bag because it cost well over $85.00...about 15 times more than $85.00!!! BTW, take the $85.00 and buy some manners while you're at it 'cause being frugal is the least of your problems".