What's worse - people KNOWING their bag is fake or NOT KNOWING?

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IG - mrs_aly_t
May 7, 2007
I see so many people with fake bags and posing with them - I often wonder whether they genuinely think they have the real thing or if they have knowingly bought a fake because they couldn't afford the real thing and want everybody to think its real!

What do you think is worse??
I think that not even knowing because it makes me feel they were mislead and they overpaid...someone who carries one knowingly....I wonder what else about them is fake.
I think it's worse to knowingly buy a fake ... if you can't afford the 'real thing', then don't get it at all. One my co-workers just came back from a trip to NYC and she was all excited about how there were tons of places to buy 'fake' bags, and she bought a "Dolce and Gabbana" for $25.00. I was speechless. How can you be proud of that???:cursing:
Knowing is worse.

Here there aren't even every "real" bag available, so many people don't know they get a fake when they do. And they can't really be blamed for that as there's no alternative either.
I think knowing is worse.

I was in the LV boutique one day and a lady came in with her LV bag and wanted it fixed. It was a gift she said. The SA had to tell her it was fake. She looked so embarrassed.
Knowing is much worse. Not knowing reflects worse on the seller, who misled the person who bought it and passed it off as real.

But when a person knows they are carrying a fake, they are supporting copyright infringement and illegal activity (selling fakes is illegal, and so someone buying one must by default support that activity). They are also trying to make other people think they are someone or something they are not.

People should be proud of who and what they are and not try to put on an act. To carry a fake says, "I think you will respect me more and think I'm a person with more status if you see my bag and think it is real. I am ashamed enough of who I am that I'd rather lie to you than admit who I actually am." And that, to me, is sad.
"People should be proud of who and what they are and not try to put on an act. To carry a fake says, "I think you will respect me more and think I'm a person with more status if you see my bag and think it is real. I am ashamed enough of who I am that I'd rather lie to you than admit who I actually am." And that, to me, is sad.[/quote]

.. or it could also be that the person just didn't know any better...
^^ I was talking about people who do know they are carrying a fake. You cannot knowingly carry a fake and not know any better. You had to be aware of the status of the brand, otherwise you wouldn't have bought a replica.
Knowing is much worse. i'm sure many people who are not into fashion and have no clue they are carrying fake but shame on the ones who know but still buy it and dare to wear it.
Knowing is by far worse. What goal are you trying to accomplish by carrying one anyway??? Certainly, you can carry a really nice vinyl purse and be well thought of instead of being looked down upon by those who know the real deal. I would never tell that person to her face that she is carrying a disgusting fake, however, because she might just not know it.