What's the best color to substitute black??

Plomb/Steel SEEMS like EXACTLY what I want!! I'm excited!!!

I'm from Brazil and we only get Balenciagas at Daslu at about 5x the price...lol

But... Im going to spend 6 weeks in LA this Summer, Im going to be there between June 23-Aug 4th... Will the new colors be available then?? And what are the best bal stores in LA? Barneys? Neiman Marcus???

I want a STEEL work SOOO badly... and a marine or ocean city... I already have a blue glacier city but i dont care, I love BLUES and I think blue glacier and marine/ocean are DIFFERENT colors... either that or a greige/naturel/white city. I'd also LOVE a clutch on a more vibrant color, like red or green.

Yeah, I'll spend ALL my money on Balenciaga this Summer!