What's on your mind? Random thoughts continued!

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I feel like nothing is going my way! I can only stay positive for so long...

I do my job and people hold it against me and then I still haven't heard about the promotion I was hoping to get. I work unpaid hours just to put in that extra. I sacrifice for my family and then they hold it against me that it takes me longer to finish school (though they aren't paying) while they continue to throw money at my brother so he can finish quickly and enjoy traveling. I move to a different state for my ex and end up isolated from my friends and family and then he holds it against me that I'm busy with school (with him) and work (because my family cut my funding for moving) and occupied with sick family in my home state instead of partying... so I'm single here. At what point does anything go my way? I'm an awesome employee, I'm an amazing daughter, and every guy I've ever dated (including the ex) still idolizes me as a girlfriend. I just want a promotion, I want to finish school, and I want a nice guy... I'd really be happy to start with at least one of those things.
Wondering if they are going to call work off because of the strong rain.

I also feel bad for the South Korean fencer who lost b/c of the clock malfunction. I think she should have won. That's why you have referees.
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