whats inside your chanel handbag? *post pics*

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Jan 15, 2007
hehehe i'm fairly new to the forum and i notice there was one of these threads for lv... but not one for chanel.. i personally am not a fan of lv but i love love chanel so i want to see what you guys carry around and what you can squish and fit into your bags ^_^

*oh sorry if this kind of thread has already been done... i just couldnt find a link to it when i searched *
ok well i'll start =}

Sorry for the late of reply (as I promised to post ealier :P ). I don't wanna lie (LOL). This time I use LV bag not Chanel but I hope my inside accessories would be OK to post in this forum ;)
after seeing how cute and pretty your stuff is, I am a little embarrassed...diapers, baby wipes, cheerios, bibs, a sippy cup, phone, wallet. You probably don't need to see any pictures!
there's no need to be embarrasses!! some days I have so many of my lil sisters toys in there I feel like a big kid with a bag full of toys as they take up more room than my own stuff!