what would you do?

When I was single I had a GF like that; she tended to get flirty with guys I was talking to. I would just let whatever happened, happen. After all it's just some guy in a club somewhere, no big deal, ther's a million fish in the sea. Plus I figured any guy who would choose her over me wasn't worth it anyway!

On the other hand, if you already have an established relationship of some sort with the guy in question and she tries to step in, she's no friend of yours.
I don't get this. Why would I want my friends to possibly miss out on a nice girl simply cause I "saw her first". I mean, I guess it's not completely cut throat like that, but if I approach a girl, we can pretty much tell if she's interested within the first 30 minutes. Girls will flirt with the guy they're interested in, and if it's not me, rather a friend. Good for him! I bow out gracefully, and save my charismatic banter for another lady!

well, that would be trying to get over the girl/guy divide... seriously, ^ most girls will not get this. just the way we are. BTW I think the OP did talk about a serious thing
If a friend of mine is "stealing" whomever I'm crushing on, I say awesome for her. Obviously she may have something that a guy is looking for that they don't see in me. If its a situation where you've kind of been dating for a while (ya know, a few dates or so) and suddenly your friend is trying to get in the middle of it so she can have a "taste", I'd say back off and I'd move on... move on from the friend and the guy (if of course it appears to be going nowhere and he's showing interest in the friend).
I'd kick her ass. LoL! Just kidding. No guy is worth fighting a friend over. I would definitely have a heart to heart with her though. Now, if it were a long-term boyfriend, fiance, or even husband she were trying to hit on...then I'd kick her ass. A quick ***** slap straight across her face. Bet she wouldn't think of doin' that mess again.
give her the boot...can't stand girls like that! thats exactly why i don't have that many girlfriends...can't be trusted

girls are always competing with each other one way or another