What to do with unwanted LV?

LOL I know I should be thankful to have such a loving MIL..
"unexpected" rather than "unwanted" eh?
yeah probably I should keep it and use it as much and learn to love it
thank you all for your replies :smile:
omg...theres no such thing as an unwanted LV for me. even if its not my style.

its cute, might as well keep it. it was free.

or you could see if you could exchange it and get something for her to surprise her and return the favor.

i think the bag is pretty cute. id go for keeping it.

i think itd might be hard to sell online. idk i know i would be skeptical about buying any new piece of denim LV from somewhere like ebay.
I know you're not that into denim, but it's really adorable and you may grow to love it. Who knows - it may come in handy as a makeup case or something one day.