what to do what to do... can't decide!! (agenda vs. speedy)

what should i do?

  • keep framboise agenda and just use it to the ground!

  • exchange the agenda with a damier speedy 25!

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The framboise is lovely though, can you use it for something other than your main agenda? Eg, I got the note page inserts for my framboise agenda and I use it to take to staff meetings etc. This way I get to use it without it getting beaten up too much.
This is probably a very unpopular response but here goes....I went to LV today to get the Framboise cles and they were sold out:sad: ...they had a few pieces there of other vernis, so pretty...the damier will be there...if you really love the agenda use it (just don't be careless;) ) and enjoy it everytime you take it out of your bag...that is one gorgeous agenda. The SA today when I asked about how the Framboise holds up said his sister had only Vernis and they all still look great. But, if you really would rather the speedy...it is a FAB looking bag and you can't harm IT if you tried!