In terms of your designer handbag purchases (stores and online), name at least one store with the BEST and WORST customer service.
BEST: - They make shopping fun again (sorry Old Navy). I placed many calls and their reps were always friendly, courteous, and helpful over the phone. When I return something, it takes a couple of days for them to process it. I remember one time I returned something and wanted to get something different. The rep informed me that it was sold out, but was willing to ship it for free once it was in stock.
WORST: Their so called Personal Shoppers Program sucks. They either take forever or never reply to my emails. I returned something and it took them almost three weeks to refund my money, blaming it on a backlog of unusual amounts of returns. (duh! Could it be the quality of your products and/or your rude reps be the reason(s)? Hmm!) When I call, they were never helpful---always with their "yes, no, or don't know" responses and never providing any suggestions or explanations. :evil: They better get their act together or else... I'll be singing that Jessica Simpson tune "these boots were made for walking..."
BEST: - They make shopping fun again (sorry Old Navy). I placed many calls and their reps were always friendly, courteous, and helpful over the phone. When I return something, it takes a couple of days for them to process it. I remember one time I returned something and wanted to get something different. The rep informed me that it was sold out, but was willing to ship it for free once it was in stock.
WORST: Their so called Personal Shoppers Program sucks. They either take forever or never reply to my emails. I returned something and it took them almost three weeks to refund my money, blaming it on a backlog of unusual amounts of returns. (duh! Could it be the quality of your products and/or your rude reps be the reason(s)? Hmm!) When I call, they were never helpful---always with their "yes, no, or don't know" responses and never providing any suggestions or explanations. :evil: They better get their act together or else... I'll be singing that Jessica Simpson tune "these boots were made for walking..."