what should my next color be?

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Jul 30, 2006
Here's my b-bag collection: a black twiggy, a truffle day, and a lovely ice blue box.
What should my next b-bag be?
Greige? Ink? Blueberry? Something bright and totally different??
I would LOVE some input from you experts!
I have a pretty neutral wardrobe. I wear lots of black.
Any advice?? My head is swimming with all these lovely colors! :heart:
I would definitely get something bright. I wear mostly black & I only have a blueberry. It doesn't stand out too much..but if you get a bright, light color bbag......you will get tons of attention. What about a red bag?
I have my eye on a bright orange/red day on ebay right now. If it doesn't go up too high price-wise, I might go for that as a fun accent bag. Do you think orangey red would look good with black, or would it look too halloweeny?:heart:
That rouille day is beautiful!!! Not too "halloweeny" hee hee!! I would bid on it but I just bought a Bourdeaux Day bag (It should be here tomorrow!!:yahoo: ) and 1 bag in the red family is enough for me. But i think my next bbag purchase will be a First or a City!!
I love the blueberry, but I'm not sure it's the best choice for a mostly black wardrobe. My first thought was to go for a red since it would pop against the dark colors of your outfit. I would think that looking for a less orangey red might be better, but that's my opinion. Happy hunting!
I love the blueberry, but I'm not sure it's the best choice for a mostly black wardrobe. My first thought was to go for a red since it would pop against the dark colors of your outfit. I would think that looking for a less orangey red might be better, but that's my opinion. Happy hunting!

I agree with chuggie too. Every girl should have a red bag. I really want a Rouge vif for a while, but now, I want a pewter instead. ;)
What will you be using the bag for? Do you wear black for work ? I have 90% black in my work wadrobe and carry INK, SAPIN and Rouille for work. Weekend wadrobe is mostly denim blues and khaki so I can alternate the above together with my Blue-India part time. Am looking out for Anthracite, Vermillion ..