What should I ask for Birthday!


Jul 14, 2012
Hi loves! My birthday is coming up and I wonder what I should add to my collection. I dont really "need" anything but you know how that goes.
Please leave your suggestion below! Also, my collection is my signature so please refer to that.

I have the Eva in Azur and the Delightful GM so I can say they both are good choices, but depends on if you would use your Alma often or just a special occasion bag? So I guess that matters what you're gonna use it for.
get something from your wish list :biggrin: .... I also notice you don't have anything in Azur, maybe something in that line? Or maybe the Vernis Alma or something from the Epi line? Good luck & Happy early Birthday!
I say get the Delightful, you've been wanting that for a while from what I can remember. :smile: My second choice would be the vernis Alma if you wanted something a little different.