Books & Music What 'Old' Authors Have You Discovered?

I love edith wharton. some of my other favorite "old" authors are e.m. forester, oscar wilde, elizabeth gouge's green dolphin street, & my favorite author of all time...jane austen.
Laclos - wrote Dangerous Liaisons......still one of the best books ever, I think.
Oscar Wilde, Gustave Flaubert and Thomas Hardy.... those are the kind of writers whose books stay with you long after you finish reading them.....
Knut Hamsun. I find that every time I re-read one of his books (Mysteries is my fav) it changes color and texture.

And I've a soft spot for Henry V. Miller. Much of his later work was overshadowed by his scandalous earlier writings that almost seem tame nowadays. Unimaginable that he was banned in the US for years and years.
I read A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith because my mom had it in her beach bag & I absolutely loved it.

I've been reading a bunch of Steinbeck recently and Dorothy Parker too.