Tech What laptop do you own?

I have the Lenovo X61 tablet from 2007.

It was too slow to do anything and was going to throw it out and buy another one, but then realized all I had to do was run an antivirus - apparently my antivirus subscription expired in 2008 !! Now that I've cleaned up my system, its pretty good.

I love the look of the mac, but can't stand how all the shortcuts are so different to all my PC shortcuts (especially for work).

Other than my Lenovo X61, I have another 2 Lenovos (they're so sturdy and reliable), and an ipad. I'll keep the current configuration for now until some other computer breaks down.
HP g56... got it during Black Friday at Microcenter for like $300... Price was right. The edges dig into my wrists a little...hard for someone who is on the computer a lot but fine for light use.