What is this? Bug experts and the curious please..


sofa king sexy!
Jun 8, 2008
I went outside the other day and I thought I saw a dent on my moms car. Then I went over and got closer and thought it was a leaf. Then I got even closer and saw legs and antennas and I screamed and ran. Then I got the camera and took pics. Anyone know what kind of bug this is?



They sing in the trees at night, going "eep-eep!" so loudly they sound like frogs with big lungs or little birds. If you hear them you'll think What the heck is that? This is the time of year they come out and sing their hearts out.
I had a praying mantis hitch a ride on my roof once & it stayed on a good 15 miles too. DH was not amused... he hates mantises the same way i hate roaches.

I've never seen a katydid! i don't think we have them in hawaii... they're cute!