Food What do you "salt"?

Um, let's see. We use Sea Salt which is better for us and we use it on fries, potatoes (mashed and baked), corn, steamed veggies. But my husband and I have recently found Jane's Crazy salt and love that on almost everything we cook.
I try not to salt anything because, as you know, water follows salt, which means increased weight and increased stress on your heart. I do love things having seasoning but I try to save it for thanksgiving and christmas. Which is also bad because those are the two times of the year that we have more people having heart attacks and heart failure exacerbation because of all the excess salt they take in during these times. Ok so that sounds depressing, I'll stop now.
Corn and Grandma's veggie soup. Our family cooks with almost no salt, and we use other spices instead.

When I was a kid, I used to LOVE salt. The amount of salt I'd use would make my mouth shrivel up and crumble away nowadays.