What do you do with all those unwanted gifts?


Feb 10, 2007
Ok, Xmas is nearing and I am dreading all those unwanted gifts coming into the house, I dread clultter. I don't want to sound ungrateful but I am a person who is very picky and has everything that I want or need, this also applies to my children and husband.

99.9% of any Christmas or Birthday gifts we receive sits in our good size basement that is pretty much filled with these unwanted gifts.

I got criticized for asking what we want or ask for money or gift certificate. They think gifts should be fun and be surprised. I do understand if these were small inexpensive items but they're not.

What would you do with all these unused gifts?
Donate them to charity/children's home and then suggest that family this year rather than buying gifts make donations to charity in your name, or even ask them to check out oxfam unwrapped.
get down in that basement and donate! don't let the clutter take over any space in your home.

i do a huge donation before the holidays, when the kids are at school...they never really know what is missing.

you will feel so good. if you can't tackle it all at one time, try 1 garbage bag/day. just put it in the back of your vehicle and take to goodwill.

it feels as good as losing 10 pounds! but much easier!
If the gifts can be returned to the store, then return/exchange or get store credit for them. If they are not returnable, then donate them to charity.

I only exchange gifts with immediate family or a few very close friends. I cut down my gift list years ago because it got to be too much. Also, at work, I don't exchange anymore, but I try to bring in holiday food for the whole office instead of buying little knick knack gifts that are usually stuffed into a drawer.

My office once in a while does a holiday ornament exchange - you bring one ornament of a certain dollar value, and then we play a game where you can open the ornament in front of everyone and someone can "steal" it from you no more than twice. It's fun - most of the time!