What colour classic flap?

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Dec 9, 2006
I am going to Paris in April and am planning on getting my first Chanel bag there, a classic flap. I just don't know what colour to get, I know they do black, beige, pink, navy and this seasons green and red. I already have a pink metallic Celine boogie and a pink LV Bedford so it's not as though I need another pink bag. I think black is nice but not wearable in the summer as I wear a lot of colours. What do you think? What colour is the green? Does anyone have any pics?:yes: :confused1:
I saw the Caviar Jumbo in lime..and it's nice! Very light green that from a distance and certain lighting, it look some kind of ivory?
The new beige I don't really like it tho..it's more brownish beige unlike the other yellowish beige, or light beige..

Yeah, I believe it should be cheaper there since it's where it made in..
And plus, you could claim the VAT.. So that makes all the saving.. :smile:
Had the same problem as you when i decided to purchase my first channel bag (well i didn't buy mine in Paris though sadly haha).. i wasn't really into the black color as well as i thought it was rather formal, red is too loud for me, for white-im really scared of getting it dirty..so yeap, i chose beige..and im pretty happy with it..
I think black is perfectly fine unless you absolutely love another colour. My rule is always to go for the seasonal colour if you adore it, because it might not come by again and the black will always be available. But if you love the black and none of the other colours really appeal, then get the black!