What are your *signature* wardrobe/bag colours?

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Too Addicted
Jan 30, 2006
My signature bag colour is brown. I have more brown bags than any other colour. I have one everyday black bag, he he. Next I like blue!

And my signature clothing colours are cream and dark blue / navy. I need to get navy trousers, but I want to lose weight first. Oh! Must exercise!! (And I always wish I had more purple.)

Of course I wear all other colours, but not yellow or ANYTHING pastel - wouldn't look good.

And my shoes just match.
I'm the same way too ... most of my bags are in various shades of brown, from beige to chocolate brown. I guess the main colors of my collection are brown, black, cream and grey. I've been lusting for a red bag but still looking for the perfect one.

As for my wardrobe, I do tend to gravitate towards the browns, blacks, greys and cream. I do occasionally wear pinks, reds or light greens but my uniform is pretty consistent ... black cashmere turtleneck, skinny jeans and my Ugg boots.
my bags- black/red/tan/creme

wardrobe- black/red/denim/heather gray/white/cobalt and cremes
i love wearing neutral classy but chic clothing but add accessories like silver shoes or a red bag or chunky gold jewelry!!
Black, black, and more black....
:yes: Me too. And each time I veer away from black and experiment I find myself pulled back to the safety of black. Always silver jewellery and neutrals adding to the black base colour of most of my clothes. Bags in a novel colour to liven things up have been a recent experiment and still feels very daring since most of my bags all my adult life have been black, brown or grey! I am sooooo dull!